Attack of the Synthetic Organisms! A one-minute review of global six-month market hotspots


Industry Networking Conference

Industry-university-research community

Industrialization of synthetic biology is being accelerated

One of the world's largest synthetic biology industry conferences
SynBioBeta 2023 convenes to build the future of sustainable manufacturing ecosystems
First Innovation Platform for Synthetic Biological Applications Established at the 1st China Green Bio-Manufacturing Summit

In addition, what other
A compelling market move?
Follow Tron into
"Global Market Storms"

January-June 2023
Synthetic Biology Related
Product Technology, M&A, Clinical Trials, Investment and Financing and Others
approximately 130 incident
The main focus is on enterprise cooperation, investment and financing dynamics and product launches.

Areas covered include
food agriculture
beauty and personal care
Bulk Materials
Among them, the healthcare sector remains the focus of the chase

Based on enterprise/institution
market size
Green Social Impact
Selected cases in four directions for communication reference

Strontium Bio is committed to synthetic biotechnology innovation and translation
Promote capacity landing with platform development,
Industrial integration, product listing
In order to meet the new needs of the public "medical", "food", "beauty", "security".
Helping green biomanufacturing power into everyday life

Technology to the new, everything grows

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